Besides being an Actress, Nina is also the occasional singer/songwriter. Her songs 'Crazy', 'The Way' and 'Hey There Boy' are regularly aired on Indie radio channels around Europe, the US and Middle East.
She studied the piano and violin from a young age and aged 8 she joined a choir where her true passion for music could be explored as a singer. It was through singing with the FCMG choir that she got to audition for West End productions at The National Theatre and the ENO and was soon picked up to perform with Lesley Garrett at the London Coliseum in Carmen and Street Scene. As a child she sung more classical styles and made a children's Christmas album with Beatles producer George Martin as part of the Annika Rice challenge to raise money for the Children's Great Ormond Street Hospital.
Once a high school student at Italia Conti she moved more into Musical Theatre, Pop and Jazz.
Nina's dream to co-write and record her own songs first came to light in 2009, where she had the lucky opportunity to fly to LA to work with producer Guy Erez on her debut EP.
Whilst Nina's main passion is acting, music sits closely alongside it in her heart.